YouTube channel launch

To promote Hexahedra I've set up a YouTube channel to show devlogs, demonstrate mechanics, and, when things inevitably go wrong, post weird bug videos. Find it here.

Streaming the development of Hexahedra on Twitch has been great, but it only shows what I'm working on at the moment, and I'd like to have a more permanent, visual way of showing how the game is coming along, and resources I can point people to if they want a run-down of what the game is. To that end, I've set up a YouTube channel. As with this devblog, I've made a start by putting together a video about setting up a mailserver for Octavius, the little purple crocheted octopus who lives in our flat:

Setting up a mailserver for a small cephalopod.

I'll continue to write blog posts here as well, but if you want to see videos with things moving, cubes being altered in increasingly interesting ways, and graphical updates — and who wouldn't? — then head over there and subscribe to keep up to date.